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克里米亞駐軍 烏克蘭全撤了
Mar 24th 2014, 22:12

自由時報 – 


想預知普廷企圖 美擴大監控俄國



美歐國家擔心,克里姆林宮的野心不僅止於克里米亞。路透報導,支持普廷的俄國自由民主黨黨魁、國會下議院副議長吉里諾夫斯基(Zhirinovsky),在一封致波蘭、羅馬尼亞和匈牙利政府的信函中提議,仿照聲名狼藉的蘇德互不侵犯條約(Nazi-Soviet pact)劃分烏克蘭,西烏克蘭地區也可就是否脫離基輔當局舉行公投,甚至還建議前述國家針對是否將西烏克蘭地區納入領土舉行公投。


People wave Russian flags as they gather at a square to watch a televised address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federation Council, in Sevastopol, Crimea, Tuesday, March 18, 2014. Putin ... 較多 
People wave Russian flags as they gather at a square to watch a televised address by Russian President Vladimir Putin to the Federation Council, in Sevastopol, Crimea, Tuesday, March 18, 2014. Putin on Tuesday fiercely defended Russia's move to annex Crimea saying Crimea's vote on Sunday to join Russia was in line with "democratic norms and international law." (AP Photo/Andrew Lubimov) 較少 

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