(中央社記者田裕斌台北11日電)蘋果(Apple)推出iPhone 6及iPhone 6 plus,另一焦點是切入行動支付平台Apple Pay,不過,銀行業者表示,台灣近場通訊(NFC)環境尚未成熟,台資銀行短期難切入。
即使如此,台資銀行依舊積極評估Apple Pay背後的運作機制,待大環境時機到來,可以儘速搶得ApplePay可能帶來的商機。
此外,台灣信託服務管理平台(TSM)也處於百家爭鳴狀態,最後誰能勝出,還在未定之天,對於銀行業者而言,Apple Pay可能是推動台灣NFC市場加速前進的動能。
尚瑞強指出,Apple Pay與VISA及MASTER等國際信用卡組織合作,採iOS封閉系統加上指紋辨識等安全機制,銀行要切入並非難事,除了刷卡交易外,收單交易也是未來銀行積極爭食的大餅。
也有銀行業者對於Apple Pay在台灣的發展,持保留態度,由於目前台灣的NFC主要是結合電信業者,在SIM卡或外接mini SD卡建立NFC通訊,但蘋果的ApplePay是將NFC功能直接內建在手機晶片上,等於跳過電信業者這一環,在推動上平添難度。
銀行業者認為,要切入Apple Pay主要需經過金融監督管理委員會與蘋果2大關卡,首先是在法令上能否鬆綁銀行業直接與系統整合商(蘋果),在不經過電信業者的前提下進行合作。此外,銀行業也需經過蘋果的認證,才能將信用卡或簽帳卡(Debit card)的資料,內建到iPhone 6中。
台灣商家也需廣布具備NFC的端點銷售系統(POS),才能刺激消費者以NFC進行交易,目前台灣NFC POS的建置仍相當稀少,普及率不足。
蘋果推出Apple Pay雖然讓市場驚艷,今年10月將開始在美國實施,蘋果表示,目前已經有實體零售商macy’s、Subway、麥當勞、迪士尼、Staples等共22萬個實體據點,以及商家App如Target、Groupon、Uber、OpenTable等,接受Apple Pay服務。
■ 新聞專輯/iPhone 6 史上最大變革!
Apple announced two large new iPhones today, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Which one should you buy? Here are the differences that could determine your decision.
The iPhone 6 is $100 cheaper ...
較多 Apple announced two large new iPhones today, the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus. Which one should you buy? Here are the differences that could determine your decision.
The iPhone 6 is $100 cheaper than the iPhone 6 Plus The iPhone 6 will cost $199 for the 16GB version. That’s $100 cheaper than the iPhone 6 Plus, which will begin at $299 for the 16GB version. The iPhone 6 will cost $299 for 64GB, and $399 for 128GB. Apple
The iPhone 6′s screen is smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus’, but both are larger than the iPhone 5S. Both phones have larger screens and better resolutions than the iPhone 5S has. But the iPhone 6′s screen is about 1 inch smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus’. The iPhone 6′s 4.7-inch display will have a 1,334×750-pixel resolution; the larger 5.5-inch iPhone will come with a 1,920×1,080-pixel-resolution screen. Apple
The iPhone 6 has worse battery life than the iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 have the same battery life: about 10 hours. The iPhone 6 Plus, however, has about 16 hours of battery life. Apple/Screenshot The guts of the phone and the photo quality of each device will be about the same. Both devices also have Apple Pay, a mobile payment solution that wants to make plastic credit cards obsolete. Both also work with the Apple Watch. Bottom line If you want a giant screen and an extra-long battery life, splurge on the iPhone 6 Plus. If you are fine with how long your current iPhone lasts and you want a screen that’s just a touch bigger, go for the iPhone 6. Read more stories on Business Insider, Malaysian edition of the world’s fastest-growing business and technology news website.