2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
Sep 5th 2014, 00:13

國立教育廣播電台 – 

1. 教育部體育署把102年總統教育獎12位體育類得主的成長事蹟集結成《逆光飛翔的天使》一書,昨天舉辦新書發表,今年下半年也將邀請12位故事主角舉辦座談會,巡迴全臺各校分享他們奮鬥的故事。
Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education collected the stories from 12 award-winning athletes of the 2013 President education prize into a compilation book, “Backlight Flying Angels”, and held a book announcement yesterday. In the next half year to come, the 12 champions will go on tour and share their fighting stories all around the country.

2. 國立成功大學校園廣闊,學生多以自行車為代步工具,為體恤學生及珍愛地球,學務處在開學後第一週舉辦回收自行車免費認領活動。目前學務處在光復校區的回收場已經有近三百輛堪用的自行車。成大9月15號開學,回收自行車開放認領的時間從15號到19號中午,認領的對象限校內教職員工生。
National Cheng Kong University has a vast campus and many students use bicycles to get around it. To encourage environmental protection and recycling resources, the Education Affairs Section will hold a free “Recycled Bicycle Adoption” activity that will offer near 300 usable recycled bicycles taken from the Kuang-Fu recycling center. Cheng Kong University will start the semester on September 15th and the adoption time starts then until noon of the 19th. Note, only current faculty and students are eligible to adopt.

3. 台北孔廟10月19號,將舉辦「2014年臺北市聯合成年禮」,只要是設籍臺北市,民國85、86年次的青年男女,都可以報名參加,報名時間從9月5號到11號,民眾可以向戶籍所在地的區公所報名,一共120名,額滿為止。
The Taipei Confucius Temple will be holding the “2014 Taipei City Coming of Age Ceremony” on October 19th. As long as you are registered in Taipei City, and born between the year 1996 and 1997, you are all allowed to sign up. The registration time is from September 5th to the 11th, and you can go to the district office of your registered location to sign up. There are only 120 spots available and the registration will end when the number is reached.

4. 中秋節假期快到了,台中市建設局歡迎民眾外出賞月,但包括公園、綠地與園道等地都禁止烤肉或野炊。依台中市公園及行道樹管理自治條例規定,違反規定者,將處行為人新台幣1200以上、6000元以下罰鍰,希望民眾能配合,一起節能減碳愛地球
The Moon Festival is around the corner, and the Construction Bureau of Taichung City welcomes the public to go into the outdoors and enjoy the moon. However, places like parks, grasslands and its pathways are off-limits for barbequing and cooking. According to the Taichung City Park and Sidewalk Tree Management Regulation, going against this regulation will result in a fine of 1200 to 6000 NTD. They hope that the public can cooperate and do their own parts in environmental protection.

5. 泰國衛生部針對全國15-29歲青少年的日常行為進行調查後發現,青少年普遍對減肥藥和安眠藥有比較強的依賴性。衛生部決定儘快針對篩選出的志願者進行毒品、心理健康和正確使用藥物知識培訓與監控。這項計畫初步在曼谷和周邊地區的174所學校實行,幫助校內和社區學生建立良好的行為習慣,和正確的用藥方法。
The Ministry of Public Health of Thailand has revealed after a research on the teenagers age 15~29 nationwide that most of them have a stronger dependency on diet drugs and sleeping pills. Therefore, the ministry has decided that they will speed up the process of training and monitoring volunteers to teach them about the knowledge of drugs, mental health, and the correct usage of medicine. This project will be first implemented near Bangkok and the 174 schools in the surrounding areas in order to help students in schools and communities establish good habits and correct usage of medicine.

6. 世界衛生組織估計,這波肆虐西非的伊波拉疫情,要獲得控制,至少需要六億美元經費。世界衛生組織秘書長(陳馮富珍)呼籲全球攜手,對抗這個危機,她說,這是將近四十年來,最嚴重、複雜的伊波拉疫情。另外,針對某些人把伊波拉稱為非洲病,陳馮富珍強調,這是不對的,她說,這種污名化的作法,對抗病防疫沒有幫助。
The World Health Organization revealed that a budget of 600 million would be needed to contain the Ebola Virus that wreaked havoc in West Africa. Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan appealed to the public to overcome this crisis hand-in-hand. She said that this Ebola epidemic is the most severe and most complex that we have ever seen in the last 40 years. Also, aiming at those who call the Ebola Virus the African Sickness, Dr. Margaret Chan emphasizes that this is not right, and that discrediting this issue will not help fight the epidemic.

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