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乘務員、安全員招聘 競逐藍天夢
Apr 16th 2014, 08:18


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[贈送] 女鞋 3雙 24.5 (洽中)
Apr 16th 2014, 15:44, by okaybeok

作者okaybeok (okayok)


標題[贈送] 女鞋 3雙

時間Wed Apr 16 15:44:29 2014

物 品:女鞋 3雙 24.5號 到期日(食品及美妝品請加上到期日):穿壞為止吧 領取地點: 因為平時較忙,可能必須郵寄喔! 會以郵局便利箱3號寄出,郵資110唷。 期 限:下禮拜五前,沒人要就扔了 聯絡方法:站內信 備 註: A和B是接受版上好心人贈送的,因為不太會搭配,故轉贈 AB較為髒,需要自己洗 C是自己買的,但我覺得他會磨我的腳踝,故贈送 還有,只有A、C皆無鞋盒 可接受者再來信! 以一次3雙都領取者為優先 圖片: http://ppt.cc/Drjk http://ppt.cc/2WxG -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/give/M.1397634274.A.710.html ※ 編輯: okaybeok (, 04/16/2014 16:00:33

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PS3 版《SOULCALIBUR Lost Swords》公佈登場角色情報及介紹影片
Apr 16th 2014, 16:37, by pearlhsieh

  NBGI 預定於 2014 年推出的人氣 3D 武器對戰格鬥遊戲《劍魂》系列最新作 PS3 版《SOULCALIBUR Lost Swords》,日前公佈系列作中玩家耳熟能詳的登場人物-女忍者「多喜」(タキ)相關情報及介紹影片。本作採基本免費方式營運,為一款「單人用任務達成型武器格鬥動作」(一人用ミッション達成型武器格闘アクション)遊戲,除了齊格飛及平四郎等系列玩家熟悉的角色外,登場武器防具還加入各種彼此互剋的屬性效果及可強化效能的合成等新追加要素,將帶來全新格鬥樂趣。

影音名稱 《SOULCALIBUR Lost Swords》多喜介紹影片

年齢:29 歲
武器:忍者刀 X2

隸屬封魔一族的優秀女忍者,以一流的技能及擁有破邪法術的邪劍「Soul Edge」(ソウルエッジ)在戰鬥中攻無不克,不流露私人感情,能精確執行任務,有時也會下無情的決斷。


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《名將列傳》「名將連攜系統」情義登場 新王怪「黃帝」正氣降臨
Apr 16th 2014, 16:10, by gamenews

  《名將列傳》今日(4 月 16 日)推出「名將連攜系統」,守護者擁有特定組合的名將,即可裝備其對應的連攜效果。新王怪<洪荒古帝>黃帝正氣現身天渦谷,打倒他將有機會獲得「名將化身‧軒轅霸劍」等珍貴獎賞。社群小天使「小蠻」本週末邀請守護者一起玩捉迷藏,重溫兒時的趣味。還有充滿靈氣的「紫電劍匣背飾」、「邪炎劍匣背飾」,於本週華麗登場。

走訪天下尋名將 連攜共戰破萬敵


  從 40 級開始,就可以使用「名將連攜系統」,隨著等級的提高,所能裝備的連攜效果欄位也會越來越多。在 90 級之前,每 10 級新開放一個欄位,90 級後每 5 級新開放一個欄位,共計會有 12 個欄位可以自由裝備連攜效果。另外,連攜效果也會隨著名將本身的等級、轉生的次數隨之增強和成長。即使名將放在倉庫中,也一樣會納入名將連攜列表。


天地浩氣現真身 前無古人戰黃帝


捉迷藏拿虛寶 小蠻耍賴不認輸
  4 月 19 日,活動時間系統會以公告的方式宣佈《名將列傳》社群小天使「小蠻」的出現地點,守護者前往指定場景找到「小蠻」,「小蠻」即會惱羞成怒的把守護者隨機變成某種特殊生物,依據變身的外型不同,可和活動 NPC 領取的獎勵也不同。獎勵共有「名將轉生歷練包」、「極品武器卷軸(限定)」、「雙人坐騎歷練包‧憾天戰熊」三種,每種獎勵最多只可領取一次。

紫電出匣魔氣散 邪炎盡現命歸天




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批踢踢實業坊 PC_Shopping 板
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[菜單] 30k~35k 爐石實況機
Apr 17th 2014, 10:22, by jasonnoplay

作者jasonnoplay (After Dinner)


標題[菜單] 30k~35k 爐石實況機

時間Thu Apr 17 10:21:58 2014

已買/未買/已付訂金(元):未買 預算/用途:預算大概30~35k/用途主要->爐石實況 跟 D3 CPU (中央處理器):Intel 第四代Core I5-4570【四核】3.2GHz(Turbo 3.6GHz)/HD4600 MB (主機板):華碩 B85M-G/M-ATX/1A1D1H/U3S6/全固/前U3/4年 RAM (記憶體):金士頓 8G DDR3-1600 *1 VGA (顯示卡):華碩 R9 270-DC2OC-2GD5 HDD (硬碟):沿用 SSD (固態硬碟):美光M500 240G DVD-RW (燒錄機):LITE-ON iHAS324/24XDVD燒錄(黑) PSU (電源供應器):海韻 G-450W/80+金牌.半模組化/主日系電容/終保.五年免費 CHASSIS (機殼):P100 MONITOR (螢幕):BENQ GW2450HM-F(VA面板) Mouse/KB (鼠鍵):沿用 其它 (自填): 單子連結 http://www.coolpc.com.tw/tmp/1397699638159859.htm 電腦Intel雙核用了五年多了,想換新電腦 需求如下: 1.開爐石實況 2.打D3希望不會頓 3.看高清(720p/1080p)影片 請問有哪裡需要改的嗎? 機殼跟螢幕能否推薦呢~謝謝!! 注意1:自稱小妹或其他會透露自己性別的舉動要注意可能會引來不必要的紛擾,請注意 注意2:標題是否有寫明"預算"、"用途"? 沒有請按Ctrl+x 然後按T改標題 注意3:請多加利用線上估價系統來進行估價以及價格查詢 (僅供參考) DIY組裝 原價屋 http://www.coolpc.com.tw/evaluate.php 順發3C http://www.isunfar.com.tw/product/ecdiy.aspx 品牌PC PCHOME24H http://24h.pchome.com.tw/index/ 總價 (未稅/含稅): -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/PC_Shopping/M.1397701324.A.C8D.html ※ 編輯: jasonnoplay (, 04/17/2014 10:23:14

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jasonnoplay :感謝兩位的推薦~ 04/17 10:51

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智慧型裝置帶動 台灣無線網路市場規模增3成
Apr 16th 2014, 08:55

智慧型裝置帶動 台灣無線網路市場規模增3成
2014/04/16 16:55鉅亨網 記者黃佩珊 台北



葉振男指出,無線網路設備市場的營收貢獻一直以來均以消費型產品Gateway/Router和USBDongle為主力,佔整體市場的比重至2013年已達72%。隨著智慧型裝置日益普及且幾成為一般民眾生活的必需品,家庭用戶購買Wireless Router的需求持續攀升,加上電信商大力推動ADSL用戶升級至光纖上網所免費提供的WiFi Modem,促使消費市場成長仍持續。雖然目前消費型產品的技術規格仍以802.11n為主流,然新一代802.11ac在價格逐漸往下調整下,其在消費型市場的營收占比已在2013年底超過10%。消費型無線網路品牌廠商營收前五大依序為D-Link, ZyXEL, Asus, TP-Link與Totolink。

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Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 生活資訊 - 發問中
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 生活資訊 - 發問中 
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這件lativ的衣服哪裡買的到 急。。。
Apr 16th 2014, 19:35

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有一件深青藍色接近黑色的底中間有一隻銀色的米奇在揮手 請問哪裡還買的到。。。。??...
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[變髮] 推公館QS副店長 Ella
Apr 16th 2014, 22:13, by j30508kobe

作者j30508kobe (不告訴你)


標題[變髮] 推公館QS副店長 Ella

時間Wed Apr 16 22:13:04 2014

我的髮型一直都是給ELLA剪,自從大學二年某年的暑假開始, 我一直都是剪極短的髮型(因為只有帥哥可以留長髮T T), 但是ELLA並不會因為如此就草草亂剪囉,她真的是一個很細心,好溝通, 在必要時候也會給你建議的好設計師。 由於最近實在很流行所謂的復古油頭造型,在幾經思量之下,帶著忐忑的心, 我問了ELLA我的頭髮有沒有搞頭,會不會不適合之類的,經過幾次討論,然後油頭最 重要的"那條線"她也幫我搞定啦,真的很謝謝她!!! 廢話不多說,以下有圖: http://ppt.cc/LrWB ps:對了,在下我的頭髮長的快又容易亂炸又快禿了乾, 旁邊剃這麼短也是因為長了就會變成貝多芬根本悲劇..... 差點忘了留下聯絡資訊 http://ppt.cc/rr0C QS 副店長Ella 0989-058-001 預約專線:3365-2686 地址:台北市羅斯福路三段279之1號2樓 謝謝縮看:) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/hairdo/M.1397657587.A.18B.html

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civic 9.5代臺灣小道消息
Apr 16th 2014, 16:00

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samsung - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
samsung - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
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Samsung Galaxy S5 carries over US$250 BOM, IHS teardown reveals
Apr 16th 2014, 09:06

Samsung Galaxy S5 carries over US$250 BOM, IHS teardown reveals

Press release, April 16; Alex Wolfgram, DIGITIMES [Wednesday 16 April 2014]

The Samsung Galaxy S5 with 32GB of NAND flash memory carries a BOM of US$251.52, according to IHS. The cost rises to US$256.52 when the US$5 manufacturing cost is added.

This is more expensive than other high-end smartphones, such as the 32GB iPhone 5s, which carries a US$207 BOM. The S5's BOM contrasts even more starkly with smartphones at the lowest end of the cost spectrum, such as two Android devices, the ZTE U793 and K-Touch T619+, which have BOMs of less than US$35, IHS said.

"The high cost of the S5 is becoming more typical of Samsung's flagship Galaxy line," said Andrew Rassweiler, senior director of cost benchmarking services for IHS. "In 2013, IHS has torn down four Galaxy devices with BOMs ranging from US$237-$280.

"The S5 exemplifies a conservative evolutionary design approach," Rassweiler said. "There are no revolutions or giant steps forward in this design. There's a lot of similarity and commonality between the S5 and other recent Samsung smartphones IHS has torn down, such as the Galaxy Round and the Note III. However, there are many small changes throughout the design."

IHS said modified component selections in the S5 include the Qualcomm WTR1625 RF transceiver. Previous multiple Galaxy products included the WTR1605L instead. This part switch may have been spurred by specific carrier and network requirements.

The S5 also includes a new version of the NXP NFC controller that is different from the NXP PN5441, PN547 and PN65N devices found in other Samsung teardowns. Furthermore, the S5 uses the ES704 noise suppression device from Audience Semiconductor, as opposed to the eS305B and eS325 seen in several other recent Samsung devices.

Moreover, the latest Galaxy smartphone employs the PMC8974 power management chip from Qualcomm. This is a chip that IHS has never seen in an electronic design, and seems to integrate two or more power-management ICs from Qualcomm that previously were separate, the firm added.

Crank up the Wi-Fi

In one major departure from previous designs, the Galaxy S5 features the first sighting of 802.11ac Wi-Fi with MIMO technology. MIMO utilizes multiple antennas to improve Wi-Fi signal strength and overall performance.

Although IHS is not yet able to confirm the supplier of the MIMO Wi-Fi module and the underlying silicon supporting this function, it believes that Broadcom is the most likely available semiconductor solution provider. The module is a combo solution that supports both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionality, the firm said.

Processor precis

Another major cost factor in the Galaxy S5 is the smartphone's core processor, the Qualcomm MSM8974AC. The MSM8974AC is a variant of the popular MSM8974 used in a number of mobile products ranging from the Nokia Lumia 1520, to the Galaxy Round, to the LG Google Nexus 5. The AC version employs the newer Snapdragon 801 processor, as opposed to the 800 used in the MSM8974. The MSM8974AC with the Snapdragon 801 features a faster clock speed, at 2.5GHz, compared to 2.3GHz in the MSM8974 with the Snapdragon 800.

The MSM8974AC carries an estimated cost of US$41. This may seem elevated but represents the combined functionality of two formerly separate chips, the core applications processor and the wireless semiconductor. In other designs, such as the Apple iPhones and other Samsung designs, these two roles may be filled by two separate chips. Implementing the Qualcomm MSM8974AC solution saves Samsung internal board space and reduces manufacturing cost by eliminating separate ICs on the board.

There is speculation over whether there is another variant of the Samsung S5 design that features a Samsung Exynos processor in lieu of the Qualcomm MSM8974AC. In the Samsung Galaxy S4, there were two different versions, one with a Samsung Exynos 5410 processor, and another with a Qualcomm processor, dubbed the APQ8064AC.

The S5 may be based only on the Qualcomm MSM8974AC, but this has yet to be confirmed, IHS added.

Sensor surge

The S5 represents the latest escalation of the sensor war, adding more such devices than IHS has ever detected in a smartphone design. Whereas a typical smartphone design might feature an accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer, the S5 features all of those plus a barometric pressure sensor, and two new additions: fingerprint and pulse sensors.

For the first time, Samsung has added a fingerprint sensor to its Galaxy line, following Apple's lead with iPhone 5s.

The pulse sensor is the Maxim MAX86900. This may seem like an odd choice of sensor to add, but this stems from a recent wave of consumer and OEM interest in activity monitors and other wearable devices that also feature pulse monitoring and other health and vital statistics tracking features.

Samsung uses a number of different sources for the sensors, depending on the model built. The accelerometer/gyroscope component in the individual S5 torn down by IHS is from InvenSense, whereas the S4 featured a unit from STMicroelectronics.

The electronic compass in the S5 torn down by IHS comes from Asahi Kasei Microelectronics; in the Samsung S4, IHS found compasses from both Asahi and Yamaha, depending on the variant of the S4 design. The barometric pressure sensor found in the S5 torn down is from STMicroelectronics, whereas both previously torn down S4 variants feature Bosch Sensortec. It is important to note that different variants can employ distinct components from diverse suppliers both in the sensor area and other sections of the design, said IHS.

The individual S5 torn down by IHS was sold in the South Korea market and included a TV receiver – the FC8080 T-DMB tuner/demodulator from Silicon Motion. The US version is unlikely to include this chip, IHS said, adding that versions sold by AT&T, Verizon and other global carriers may have other minor modifications.

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