批踢踢實業坊 Tainan 板
[交易] 淘寶塔可雜貨合購
Apr 9th 2014, 19:20, by ophe123

作者ophe123 (ophe)


標題[交易] 淘寶塔可雜貨

時間Wed Apr 9 19:20:04 2014

交易類別:合購 面交地點:北區 東豐路 交易物品/金額/說明:(避免誤解請盡量於文內詳細說明) 塔可雜貨 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=35580181921 之前買了包包跟這條項鍊 質感都不錯:) 朋友也說好看~ 出去玩回來就找不到心愛的項鍊了>http://innomi126.pixnet.net/blog FB: innomi126@yahoo.com.tw ) ★匯率:5.05 代買費$30 依件數分擔 ★集貨:上海二轉集貨,每公斤 NT90 約1週可收到物品 主購提供郵局及中信帳戶:) 欲跟團請站內信回白單========== 姓名: 手機: 購買商品/網址(請縮網址)/款式/數量/金額(rmb):多項請分行 是否會跑單? 是否可配合面交地點: =============================== ★以下為加強提醒請勿刪除★發文前請詳閱並遵守板規 私人+ 涉及金錢任何事務 = [交易] = 10天限一篇 + 不可重覆PO + 限定台南 1.面交地點請填區名或明顯地標,只填台南表示台南市內37個區皆可面交唷! 2.交易完成可在標題或內文附註,但勿更改[交易]主標題 3.善用交易置底文,門號/手機/平板/電腦、票券、收集類請於置底區推文。 請注意台南板主要為分享討論性質看板,開放二手物交易為附屬,請勿濫用[交易]。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Tainan/M.1397042407.A.885.html

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[心得] 有人有EH新品甜顏霜心得
Apr 9th 2014, 20:52, by imbee123

作者imbee123 (小蜂)


標題[心得] 有人有EH新品甜顏霜心得

時間Wed Apr 9 20:52:32 2014

剛剛收到EH的最新簡訊 來台五週年慶多項優惠眾多1+1 2+2 3+3 滿千再送200折價卷 (原諒手機發文 實在不方便一項一項寫) 最誘惑人的是 只要出示粉凝霜 就可以以半價購買最新的甜顏霜 請問有人在臺灣還沒上市前就使用了嗎 可以分享一下心得嗎>※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MakeUp/M.1397047955.A.79C.html

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G奶女星蹲跪送甜點 嚇退許維恩
Apr 9th 2014, 01:03





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林書豪覺醒 火箭狂轟炸145分
Apr 9th 2014, 05:17

NOWnews – 



上半場,雖然先發主控「哈佛小子」林書豪表現不佳,火箭靠著Terrence Jones、「大鬍子」James Harden的攻勢,依然能穩定領先無心戀棧的湖人。


Harden攻下33分、12助攻,本季第10度得分、助攻「雙十」,Chandler Parsons得到19分、8籃板。







Houston Rockets guard Jeremy Lin looks to pass after stealing the ball from Denver Nuggets guard Aaron Brooks during an NBA basketball game in Houston on Sunday, April 6, 2014. The Rockets won the ... 較多 
Houston Rockets guard Jeremy Lin looks to pass after stealing the ball from Denver Nuggets guard Aaron Brooks during an NBA basketball game in Houston on Sunday, April 6, 2014. The Rockets won the game 130-125 in overtime. (AP Photo/Richard Carson) 較少 

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[討論] 適合設計系用的筆電
Apr 9th 2014, 03:35, by lazypp

作者lazypp (逼逼)


標題[討論] 適合設計系用的筆電

時間Wed Apr 9 03:35:53 2014

幫朋友代問 設計系的朋友 平常會用到繪圖設計軟體(photoshop,illustrator,flash,indesign) 3D軟體(maya max);偶爾使用剪輯軟體 目前他看上了兩台電腦 不知哪台比較適合 可能打算春電展時去購買 另外想問這兩台若加上SSD可能大約價錢多少 筆電型號:Lenovo IdeaPad Y580 規格配件: 處理器□□ i7-3630 QM 2.4G 記憶體□□ 8G 硬碟□□ 1TB 作業系統□□ Windows 7 螢幕□□ 15.6" 顯卡□□ NVIDIA GeForce GTX660M 筆電型號:acer V3-571G i7 3610QM 規格配件: 處理器□□ i7 3610QM 2.3G 記憶體□□ 8G 硬碟□□ 1TB 作業系統□□ Windows 7 螢幕□□ 15.6 顯卡□□ NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/nb-shopping/M.1396985756.A.48A.html

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Apr 8th 2014, 21:57, by evr

作者evr (chi)



時間Tue Apr 8 21:57:40 2014

餐廳名稱:美好年代 Belle Époque 消費時間:103/03 地址: 台北市大安區大安路一段52巷23號 電話: 02 2775 3393 營業時間: 週一 - 週日: 11:00 - 22:00 價位: 0-300 此次食用: 蟹肉明太子奶油義大利麵, 雞肉蘆筍燉飯,香料雞肉蝴蝶麵,班尼迪克蛋, 辣味肉醬起司雞肉薯條,拿鐵 ===================================== 網誌好讀版 http://leopen.pixnet.net/blog/post/176024481 美好年代 Belle Époque 美好年代是後人對於十九世紀末到第一次世界大戰前的黃金時代 隨著資本主義和工業格的進展,社會蓬勃發展也相對處在一個和平的世代 因此這個時期被上流社會稱為美好年代 這間讓眾多女孩瘋狂,多位部落客狂放推送,也讓我等了一個多小時的 美好年代 到底是在夯沙小,我們看下去 位於忠孝復興捷運站不遠處,大安街的巷弄之中 外觀有點不太一樣,是金屬字體,真的金屬的金屬 從外觀處還有戶外用餐區就有點不一樣, 我覺得坐在這邊吃東西壓力有點大,而且排隊的人眾多 拍照打卡的人也是,你們一定就是得不停地在人家照片中入鏡 一邊吃飯還要一邊保持儀容整潔 由於等待的時間實在太長,讓我決定先到隔壁玩玩貓去 街貓的從容,對比著為了美好年代排隊的我們 到底是誰的生活比較悠哉 店內的空間我覺得不小,但是比較狹長 用餐區也被切割得很多區塊 一樓的室內用餐區就被切成三塊 陰暗陽光皆有,不過我覺得風格上都還保持著一貫性 撇除最外頭的長桌,室外用餐區是我最想坐下的地方 採光好,顏色棒 不過今日天氣有點涼意,還是作罷(也不是我能決定的阿!!!在那邊念啥) 一樓仔細去看去走走的話,會發現很多有趣的地方 這間店不免說的是間很好拍照的地方 雖然人很多你在那邊蹲下站起來,仰頭又低頭的拍照是有點礙事 店內大東西小東西很多 很多裝飾品擺飾品的出現也是讓人駐足 美好年代的出現,讓西方的發展達到前所未有的境界 文化、藝術與商業的蓬勃發展,讓這世界多了一點繁華與虛華 科技的進步帶來了電報電話電影等突飛猛進 美好年代在一樓的用心還不錯多 整間店是會讓人覺得還不錯拍照留念的店 BUT 人生就是會有許多BUT..... 地下的用餐空間,不似一樓來的華麗 如果一樓是美好年代,那地下一樓就是不太美好年代 好吧我能理解,地下一樓就是很單純的用餐空間 一樓放不下擠到地下一樓的用餐空間 菜單 MENU 餐點內容就燉飯、義大利麵、輕食等,也有知名甜點珍珠奶茶鬆餅等 有收拾趴服務費 不得不說人對於第一印象很看重 我花了一個多小時卻看到這樣的麵包跟飲料 我會有點想翻白眼 用紅茶的標準來看待餐前麵包跟柳橙汁不是很好嗎???? 餐前麵包沒有溫,果汁太甜的問題就不多計較了 今日濃湯看起來有一點點普通 喝起來是濃到不行的菇味,如果討厭菇味的要小心 沒有奶味的菇菇湯,還有一點點菇類的酸感 分量多到爆炸的辣味肉醬起司雞肉薯條 很大盤,所以沒辦法馬上吃完 大盤薯條的壞處在於冷的薯條有點多,冷的薯條是真的軟軟不好吃 淋在上頭的起司醬不慎美觀,美式風格比較大喇喇 沾醬(辣味肉醬),吃起來不會太鹹,辣度還好 香料雞肉蝴蝶麵 分量還OK,蝴蝶夠多隻 雖然是番茄紅醬打底,實則不酸 香料味不多,芹菜味~倒是有 上來的時候拍照也沒拍很久就涼掉了 蝴蝶本身挺硬Q,而且一堆吃起來是有點點膩感 雞肉有點柴,吃起來像台式咖哩雞裏頭的雞肉 雞肉蘆筍燉飯 燉飯吃起來還不錯,香料味重,肉也比較不柴 算得上是口味比較OK 蟹肉明太子奶油義大利麵 看起來很醜,吃起來今日最優 蟹肉雖然少,不過整體分量不錯多 麵條本身夠硬,也吸上沾上了不少醬汁 明太子的味道很足,口感吃起來也很豐富的逼波逼波 班尼迪克蛋套餐 班尼迪克蛋看起來有一點小氣,這蛋不夠大顆的FU 雖然小小的看起來不錯堅挺飽滿,但光上面不是荷蘭醬 而是類似黃芥末醬,就讓我對這蛋的期望打對折了 吃起來就一般般,跟黃芥末搭起來不是很協調 最後是人氣商品,珍珠奶茶鬆餅 在煎餅上面用上奶茶味的奶油再放上珍珠 夠特別、夠噱頭 分量大小也足夠三四個人分食,算得上拍照聚餐好用之甜點 好吃嗎??? 痾....我們四個人沒吃完,但有聽過吃完了再叫一份的故事 裏頭吃起來像發糕,發糕吃過嗎??偏濕軟的那種發糕 最後在附上一杯拿鐵 今日用餐結束 總結: 名氣店家,美好年代 覺得鬆餅不是我想像中的好吃 義大利麵跟燉飯還可以 不過價位有點高,等待時間也長 眾多部落客推薦,恩.....我想 個人口味拉! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Food/M.1396965463.A.D7B.html ※ 編輯: evr (, 04/08/2014 21:58:20 evr:轉錄至看板 Daan 04/08 21:58

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2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
4,000 migrants land in Italy over 2 days
Apr 9th 2014, 16:08

By Dario Thuburn ,AFP
April 10, 2014, 12:00 am TWN

ROME -- Italy said Wednesday that 4,000 migrants have reached its shores by boat in the past two days — the highest number since it launched a naval operation to rescue them in the wake of two shipwrecks last year.

“The landings are non-stop and the emergency is increasingly glaring,” Interior Minister Angelino Alfano told Rai Uno public radio.

“Right now two merchant ships are rescuing two boats with 300 and 361 people aboard. It appears there's at least one corpse on board,” he said.

Alfano estimated that 15,000 migrants crossing the Mediterranean had been rescued so far this year and said up to 600,000 migrants from Africa and the Middle East were ready to set off from Libyan shores.

“Europe must take the situation in hand. It cannot say that, having given 80 million euros (US$110 million) to Frontex, the problem has been resolved,” he said, referring to the European Union's border control agency.

“There are death merchants who profit from this people trafficking and who send out requests for help just 30 to 40 miles after leaving the Libyan coasts,” he said.

Italy reported a 60-percent increase in asylum claims last year — mainly people fleeing the war in Syria — although numbers of arrivals are still lower than in the wake of the Arab Spring revolts in 2011.

The latest increase comes just ahead of European Parliament elections next month and lawmakers from the anti-immigration Northern League — a small opposition party — were quick to weigh in on the issue.

Davide Caparini and Nicola Molteni released a statement urging Alfano to stop the arrivals “by turning them back” and complained that asylum-seekers receive better treatment “than any Italian citizen.”

But Silvia Canciani, a spokeswoman for the Association for Legal Studies on Immigration (ASGI), played down the scale of the new influx.

“The number of people arriving is increasing but it is only becoming an emergency because of the bad management of Italy's asylum system,” she said.

She said the new arrivals would likely be taken to private accommodation such as hotels “because there is no more space” in Italy's asylum and immigration centers, warning vulnerable migrants such as minors risked not receiving the care they needed.

“This is very similar to the North Africa emergency in 2011. The Italian government is repeating the same mistakes,” she said.

Activist Criticism

The navy said it had rescued around 2,500 migrants of the 4,000 arrivals and that others were being intercepted by merchant ships and coast guard vessels.

“This is the highest number we have had over a 48-hour period since Mare Nostrum began,” a navy spokesperson told AFP.

Italy began its naval operation “Mare Nostrum” (Our Sea) — a Latin reference to the Mediterranean — after more than 400 migrants from Eritrea and Syria perished in twin tragedies off Italian shores in October 2013.

Five navy ships are currently operating in the region south of the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa, which has become one of the biggest gateways for irregular migration into the European Union.

The navy said it has fed and carried out health checks on board its ships for the new arrivals, who will be taken to the ports of Augusta and Pozzallo in Sicily later on Wednesday.

The navy also said it had begun identity checks with police on board.

“Some have documents, others do not. We are still trying to ascertain the countries of origin,” the spokesperson said.

But campaigners have criticized these types of checks, saying migrants may not be fully informed of their right to ask for asylum on board the navy vessels.

“The rules for identification at sea are not very clear. It should be done on land,” Canciani said.

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Apr 9th 2014, 16:23









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批踢踢實業坊 SET 板
[新聞] 八點檔玩學運梗 水柱驅離、來來姐都來了
Apr 8th 2014, 22:04, by sober716

作者sober716 (像大樹一樣高)


標題[新聞] 八點檔玩學運梗 水柱驅離、來來姐都來了

時間Tue Apr 8 22:04:04 2014

有影片+圖~ http://www.setnews.net/News.aspx?PageGroupID=8&NewsID=19213&PageType=12 快笑死 XDDDDDDD 八點檔《世間情》玩學運梗 水柱驅離、來來姐都來了 三立新聞/綜合報導 太陽花學運成了最近台灣人最關切的議題,而向來與時事緊扣的本土劇《世間情》,也將 最近爆紅的白狼張安樂語錄、太陽餅等話題都放入劇情中,而經典的「來來哥」,在劇中 也變成「來來姐」,讓觀眾會心一笑。 八點檔《世間情》大玩「學運梗」,不只和馬卡茸發音相似的「馬卡龍」,最紅的食物「 太陽餅」也來參一咖。 劇中讓人看了恨得牙癢癢的鍾教授,下令用強力水柱驅離「瑤婷戀」,也讓人聯想到323 行政院的驅離畫面。向來和時事議題緊扣的本土劇,結合時下最夯的議題,引發觀眾共鳴 。 風流花心的柯展裕,在劇中被罵得狗血淋頭:「你現在還有臉站在這裡,在那邊發誓拍胸 脯兼掛保證,你真的是『恬不知恥』!」但您聽出來了嗎?這句台詞似乎有點熟悉。 原來,《世間情》將白狼張安樂的經典語錄另類重現,而當天這位爆紅的「來來哥」,也 成為劇組KUSO的焦點。 李燕飾演的朱卉喬變身「來來姐」,表情手勢超到位,簡直就和「來來哥」如出一轍,讓 人看了捧腹大笑。 三立八點檔《世間情》劇組發揮巧思搞創意,結合當下最紅「時事梗」話題,也讓觀眾捨 不得放下遙控器! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/SET/M.1396965852.A.827.html

jhih27:也太快有新聞XD 04/08 22:04

jjam:超快XD 04/08 22:04

liensin:這記者一定有在看XD 04/08 22:05

dickabirecy:記者不用看吧,同一家電視台的啊~~~囧rz 04/08 22:08

k1793106:三立新聞自爆三立八點檔抄梗? 04/08 22:10

g8889:XDDDDDDDDD 04/08 22:11

lword:預告一播就出新聞是怎樣 04/08 22:12

rrcmjp:炒自家新聞咩 ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 04/08 22:12

lolicone:這新聞是先寫好故意這時候發的吧 04/08 22:20

monkey723:也太快XDD 04/08 22:23

luaniu:怎麼沒有幹幹哥跟偉忠哥的中華民國頌 04/08 22:30

rrcmjp:中華民國頌還沒出現吧XD?! 04/08 22:33

huhulala:又還沒播= =" 04/08 22:47

NakaGoto:發太快了吧XDDDDDDDD 04/08 22:50

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