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動物園5萌主 人氣直逼圓仔
Jul 1st 2014, 19:18






6日當天清晨6時園內就有路跑活動,除10K競賽組,也有不限時間、適合親子參加的Power Walking健走組。為慶祝圓仔生日,6日上午8時,貓熊館將舉辦「抓周」儀式,上午10時大門廣場準備蛋糕,邀民眾一起品嘗。



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霜淇淋戰不歇 哈密瓜上陣
Jul 2nd 2014, 00:30

霜淇淋戰不歇 哈密瓜上陣
2014/07/02 08:30中央社

(中央社記者許湘欣台北2014年7月2日電)炎熱盛夏,超商霜淇淋大戰越打越旺,統一超 (2912) 7-ELEVEN13日將推出北海道夕張哈密瓜霜淇淋,再衝業績。



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Mac OSX 10.9.4 下載失敗無法重灌..... 求助!
Jul 2nd 2014, 03:08
昨天想要把macbook air 重灌乾淨版本,因為是新手先前亂裝很多東西.....想說要重新整理一下。
但是在下載OS X Mavericks時,會卡住之後就出現了...
"OS X Mavericks下載失敗,使用購買項目頁面來重試一次"



還有像是蘋果的經銷商(店面)例如:德誼、Studio A等等 會幫忙安裝作業系統嗎? 我是在官網上面購買的....


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Fw: [食記] 台北永和 反推李歐愛高妹
Jul 1st 2014, 17:08, by caro770880

作者caro770880 (Kiki)


標題Fw: [食記] 反推李歐愛高妹

時間Tue Jul 1 17:08:21 2014

※ [本文轉錄自 ShuangHe 看板 #1JiddRQK ] 作者: caro770880 (Kiki) 看板: ShuangHe 標題: [食記] 反推李歐愛高妹 時間: Tue Jul 1 17:05:27 2014 同學搜尋到李歐愛高妹的食記 就相約去李歐愛高妹 沒想到是很令人錯愕的經驗 我一直都覺得有些店家會貼 「忙碌中忘了微笑請見諒」 非常的不負責任 通常會貼這種標語的店家臉都臭到一個不行 大家都做過服務業,大家都知道你很累,可是你這是服務業欸 就算不是服務業,其他工作應該也沒有人敢對客戶兇吧 好吧 我要說我被服務生兇了兩次 第一次是我們坐下後,大約等了15分鐘都沒人幫我們點餐 店裡很忙,不過嚴格說起來店不大,再忙我相信都可以應付 於是我跟我同學拿著菜單要走去櫃台點餐 一個女生看到,口氣很差的說 「是要點餐嗎」 「坐著就好,等等我去幫你們點!」 他口氣真的很差,講完之後馬上就轉頭送餐 我們回到座位上乖乖等她來 後來她點餐 我們要兩個套餐,點完之後她說:「就這樣嗎?」 我回:「恩就這樣」 她接著有點不爽的說:「那你要跟我說你套餐的飲料要什麼啊!!」 難道不能好好地問說 請問飲料需要什麼呢? 我同學點了一個門口主打的 http://0rz.tw/acMaP 露西起司牛肉漢堡 說會爆漿 我點了一份墨西哥辣辣歐姆蛋 後來來的朋友點雙層牛肉堡 抱歉 請容我這麼說 漢堡完全沒有爆漿 這是我吃遍美式餐廳最難吃的一次漢堡 the burger 、Gordon Biersch、bravo burger 等等的美式餐廳 整個完勝 完全就是拿雞腿比XX 這種東西也能叫做漢堡,我真的是覺得 李歐愛高妹 小看了漢堡 也踐踏了美式漢堡這個美味的一道料理 太錯愕了以至於拍照都不想拍 然後我點的墨西哥辣辣歐姆蛋 只有擺在歐姆蛋上面墨西哥辣椒會辣,而且只擺了一片裝飾用 裡面的內餡是 溫溫的偏冷 這幾道菜我等了超過半個小時,半個小時還給我上冷的菜 既然是冷的菜你有必要讓我等半個小時嗎 喔對了 隔音很差,餐廳內很悶 絕對不會再去第二次 NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/ShuangHe/M.1404205531.A.694.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: caro770880 (, 07/01/2014 17:08:21 ※ 編輯: caro770880 (, 07/01/2014 17:09:44

babywin:上次喝到的湯是溫的…以為只有我這樣所以沒反映… 07/01 18:01

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港學生預演占中 警方凌晨清場
Jul 1st 2014, 21:43










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《晴空物語》歡慶營運三週年 晴空節活動即日熱鬧登場
Jul 3rd 2014, 15:13, by gamenews


晴空歡慶三週年 華麗馬戲團熱鬧報到
  炎炎夏日,又到了每年一度的「晴空節」,為了歡慶這個節日到來,馬戲團的<團長>魔寶受邀到春玉城裡進行華麗的表演,眼看著表演的日子即將開始,但馬戲團的<小助手>妮妮卻愁眉苦臉,似乎是妮妮遇上了什麼麻煩,心急如焚的她,拜託你幫她想個法子。即日起至 7 月 17 日,為了迎接「晴空節」的到來,讓馬戲團順利演出,煩惱的妮妮需要你的幫助!

  「主題一、迷糊小助手」表演即將開始了,但馬戲團的<小助手>妮妮卻憂心忡忡,原來是妮妮不小心把表演用的道具掉到水裡了,妮妮想請你幫忙把道具找回,並幫她重新製作道具。當等級滿 20 等,就能向<小助手>妮妮承接任務,任務完成後會獲得「魔法禮物盒」及「魔術棒棒糖」,打開禮盒有機率開出「魔術小丑套裝.嬉鬧黃」、「高級魔術小丑套裝.歡騰紅」、「魔幻兔女郎裝.熱力黃」及「高級魔幻兔女郎裝.狂野紅」等活動獎勵。


  「主題二、熱鬧放煙火」妮妮很感謝你幫助她製作表演服,但她還得宣傳演出活動,好讓大家都來參加。請協助妮妮到霜之森各地施放煙火即可獲得「馬戲團驚奇寶箱」及「魔術棒棒糖」各 1 個,打開禮盒有機會獲得「馬戲團洋傘」及「高級馬戲團洋傘」等活動獎勵。


  「主題三、小團長的煩惱」團長魔寶非常感謝你對妮妮的幫助,但是魔寶說每次練習的時候都有一個討厭的搗蛋鬼.皮皮跟一群愛哭鬼小丑會來馬戲團裡鬧事,想請你幫忙趕走他們。等級達 20 等,就能向 NPC<團長>魔寶接取任務,完成任務後,即可獲得「團長禮盒」及「魔術棒棒糖」,打開禮盒有機會得到「寵物.小團長魔寶」。


  「主題四、歡樂慶週年」因為有你的幫助,讓馬戲團表演順利落幕了,充滿感激的妮妮準備了很棒的禮物要分享給耐心幫忙的玩家們。在週年慶活動期間收集到「魔術棒棒糖」25 個,就可以跟<小助手>妮妮兌換活動專屬稱號「馬戲團團轉」。


晴空慶生日 驚喜好禮獎不完
  「活動一、報到送好禮」7 月 3 日至 7 月 10 日,等級 50 級(含)以上的玩家於活動期間內,累積登入 6 天且總上線時間達 12 小時,即可於活動結束後領取「炎夏報到禮」。

  「活動二、暑期衝等送」7 月 3 日至 8 月 7 日,玩家於 7 月 3 日後所創立的新角色,開啟背包就能得到「閃耀新兵禮包(不可交易)」1 個。若所創立的角色為「花影族」,開啟背包則可獲得「種籽成長禮包(不可交易)」1 個。

  「活動三、小額贈水晶」7 月 3 日至 7 月 10 日,活動期間內在商城累積消費達 33 點,即可領取「閃耀水晶包」,並有機會開出「防爆增幅水晶」、「防爆光輝水晶」、「防爆水晶」等獎勵。

  「活動四、晴空猜謎慶」7 月 3 日至 7 月 9 日,活動期間內,社群小天使-晴兒會於每日中午 12:00 在《晴空物語》官方臉書粉絲團塗鴉牆 PO 上馬賽克過的 NPC、怪物、寵物、種族特徵圖片,玩家只要按讚並依留言格式回答出圖片角色的正確身分,就可能獲得「繽紛盛夏座騎轉蛋」,並有機會抽到 2013 年下半年與 2014 上半年所有商城與星光扭蛋機所販賣過的座騎。

魔幻小丑裝新潮酷炫 馬戲團洋傘繽紛燦爛
  晴空週年慶於本日粉墨登場,《晴空物語》天使扭蛋機配合馬戲團主題推出-「魔術小丑套裝」、「魔幻兔女郎裝」及「寶石小丑帽」,大膽鮮豔的色系搭配與魔幻華麗的時尚造型,這麼酷炫的 KUSO 裝一定可以帶給眾人耳目一新的感受。







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永和仲夏夜之夢 韋禮安、徐佳瑩打頭陣
Jul 2nd 2014, 18:53






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2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果
2013 - Yahoo奇摩 搜尋結果 
China manufacturing growth picks up in June: gov't
Jul 1st 2014, 16:08

By Kelly Olsen ,AFP
July 2, 2014, 12:03 am TWN

By Kelly Olsen

BEIJING -- Chinese manufacturing activity expanded at its fastest pace this year in June, an official survey showed Tuesday, in a sign that Beijing's attempts to tackle slowing growth in the world's number two economy are gaining traction.

The official purchasing managers index (PMI) hit 51.0 last month, the National Bureau of Statistics said in a statement. The figure is up from 50.8 in May and the best since a similar reading of 51.0 in December.

The index tracks manufacturing activity in China's factories and workshops and is a closely watched indicator of the health of the economy. A reading above 50 indicates growth, while anything below points to contraction.

The result, however, was marginally below the median 51.1 forecast in a Dow Jones survey of eight economists.

Separately, a private survey published by British bank HSBC put China's PMI at 50.7 in June — slightly below the preliminary reading of 50.8 released last month but well above May's 49.4. The expansion was the survey's first since December.

Authorities have since April rolled out a series of measures to bolster growth, including tax breaks for small enterprises, targeted infrastructure outlays and incentives to encourage lending in rural areas and to small companies, steps dubbed as “mini-stimulus” by economists.

“The continued recovery in manufacturing comes despite subdued property sales data for June,” Julian Evans-Pritchard, China economist for Capital Economics, said in a report.

“It therefore appears that the downwards pressure on the economy from the property sector is still being offset by the recent state-led rebound in infrastructure investment as well as healthy external demand.”

House prices in major Chinese cities fell for a second consecutive month in June, an independent survey showed Monday, providing more evidence of a deflating property bubble.

The average price of a new home in 100 major cities was 10,923 yuan (US$1,775) per square meter last month, down 0.50 percent from May, the China Index Academy (CIA) said in a regular monthly survey.

“The economy continues to show more signs of recovery, and this momentum will likely continue over the next few months, supported by stronger infrastructure investments,” Qu Hongbin, HSBC's chief China economist, said in comments accompanying HSBC's announcement.

But he cautioned that “downside risks” in the property market will remain a negative factor.

The PMI data comes after China said earlier this year that economic growth for the first quarter of 2014 hit its weakest pace in 18 months.

Gross domestic product grew 7.4 percent year on year in January-March, weaker than the 7.7 percent in October-December.

The result was the worst since a similar 7.4 percent expansion in the third quarter of 2012.

China in March set its annual growth target for this year at about 7.5 percent, the same goal as 2013.

Officials including Premier Li Keqiang earlier this year stressed that the target was flexible — seen as a hint it may not be achieved.

Last month, however, Li called achieving it the “inescapable responsibility” of local governments and urged “no delay” in action, an indication of official concern.

“We expect Beijing to continue rolling out a slew of small-scale measures to deliver the around-7.5 percent annual growth target,” Bank of America Merrill Lynch economists Lu Ting and Zhi Xiaojia said in a research note.

China's leadership says it wants to make private demand the key driver for the country's economic growth, moving away from over-reliance on huge and often wasteful investment projects that have girded decades of expansion.

Such a makeover is expected to result in growth that is slower but seen as more sustainable in the long run.

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Jul 1st 2014, 07:04


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數甲生物難 醫學院門檻估降10分
Jul 3rd 2014, 22:10

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